About Kingdom Kids

Mission Statement:  The mission of Kingdom Kids Ministry is to introduce every child to the awe and wonder that is Jesus Christ. We will establish foundational understanding of the Bible and bring a Christ centered lens to every child. This includes: understanding the fullness of salvation through Jesus, identity in Christ, belonging in the kingdom of God, and how to walk with God.

Goal: Our goal for Kingdom Kids is to invoke the children of Global Vision to seek and find Jesus for themselves, not just when they are at church. When they graduate to GV Youth we want them to be equipped to receive and participate in deeper teaching.

Passion: Our passion is to see awe-struck wonder fill the hearts of every child at the mention of Jesus' name. That the rest of their lives will be filled with a yearning to know Jesus more today than they did yesterday. 

Class Information:

We currently have Kingdom Kids only on Sunday mornings.
Check-in begins at 10:00 am and class begins at 10:30 am.
We ask that all parents check their child out of their class within 20 minutes of service ending. To check-out a child you will be required to show the tag you received at check-in. 
No children or teens are allowed to check-out a child, even with a tag.

Children are given a snack and water during service, please be sure to note any allergies at check-in to ensure the child’s allergy is noted on their name tag.

Kingdom Kids classes are as follows:

Kingdom Babies: 1-2 years old
Kingdom Little Kids: 3-5 years old
Kingdom Big Kids: 6-11 years old

We have a nursing mothers room equipped with a changing table and rocking chairs for mothers with children under 1 year old. Service is also streamed in this room.

Interested in Volunteering with Kingdom Kids?

Please contact Kelsey Stachowski, Director of Kingdom Kids  at 251-591-0540 or Kelsey@globalvisionbc.com.
You will be required to pass a background check before you are cleared to volunteer.